Motivation Tutor


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Life is Too Short to Think Small

Know Your Limits, Then Ignore Them!

Life is too short to think small. Most people could do more than they think they can, but usually do less than they think they can. You never know what you cannot do until you try.

If you devalue your dreams, rest assured the world won't raise the price. You will find that great leaders are rarely "realistic" by other people's standards.

The answer to your future lies outside the confines that you have right now. If you want to see if you can really swim, don't frustrate yourself with shallow water. Cavett Robert said, "Any man who selects a goal in life which can be fully achieved has already defined his own limitations." Rather be as Art Sepulveda said, "Be a history maker and a world shaker." Go where you have never gone before.

The Bible says, "Things which are impossible with men are possible with God." (Luke 18:27)

To believe an idea impossible is to make it so. Consider how many fantastic projects projects have miscarried because of small thinking or have been strangled in their birth by a cowardly imagination. Somebody is doing what somebody else said couldn't be done. Dare to think unthinkable thoughts.

Develop an infinite capacity to ignore what others think can't be done. Don't just grow where you are planted. Bloom where you are planted and bear fruit. Daniel Webster said, "There is always room at the top."

No one can predict to what heights you can soar. Even you will not know until you spread your wings.

By : John Mason

Monday, November 27, 2006

We have a choice to make

It's said that we have a choice to make. I've chosen.Now it's you turn to choose.

The story goes that some time ago, a man punished his 5-year-old daughterfor wasting a roll of expensive gold wrapping paper. Money was tight, andhe became even more upset when the child pasted the gold paper so as todecorate a box to put under the Christmas tree.

Neverthless, the girl brought the gift box to her father the next morningand said, "This is for you, Daddy". The father was embarrassed by hisearlier over reaction, but his anger flared again when he found the box wasempty.

He spoke to her in a harsh manner, "Don't you know, young lady, when yougive someone a present there's supposed to be something inside thepackage?" The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and said,"Daddy, it's not empty. I blew kisses into it until it was full". Thefather was crushed.... He fell on his knees

By Julius


A Touch of Heaven

It had been a very disheartening day. The doctors had given us the worst of news. Our daughter, who had just completed her first brain surgery to remove a tumor and was going through radiation treatments, was now offically given a two percent chance of survival as this type of cancer had no cure.

My wife and I decided to take our daughter to lunch before continuing our afternoon conversations. We went to a local resteraunt where we sat in silence waiting for the waitress. Our daughter Molly wouldn't hear of such sadness or silence so she played happily with crayons and paper while we sat and stared at the floor.

I noticed a very elderly couple sitting a few booths away, they too in silence never speaking a word. I couldn't help but wonder what challenges they had faced in their life and if they ever faced such terrible news about a child of theirs.

We eventually ordered our lunch and still sitting in silence we ate what we could. At some point I became intrigued by the old couple and I watched them more intently with each passing minute. I thought to myself that they hadn't yet spoken to each other and I wondered if it was the peace they were enjoying or the food or maybe both. However, at some point I lost interest and put my focus back on my lunch.

Molly was still talking away and enjoying her meal and her mom and I both listened and tried to be happy in her presence but it wasn't going very well. All of a sudden I saw this hand come out of nowhere. It was huge and I could tell that it had been afflicted with arthritis. The knuckles were swollen and the fingers were crooked and off center. I couldn't take my eyes of that hand. The hand drifted down and landed on my daughter's tiny six year old hand and as it did I looked up; it was the old woman who had been sitting with the old man in silence eating their lunch.

I looked into her eyes and she spoke, but not to me. She looked at my daughter and simply whispered, "If I could do more for you I would." And then she smiled and moved away to join her husband who had moved towards the door.

I heard a "Hey look, a whole dollar." Molly spoke with excitment as she discovered that the old lady had placed a crumpled one dollar bill on the back of her hand. I looked down and saw the dollar bill and quickly realized that it had been left behind by the old lady. I looked up to thank her, but she was gone. I sat stunned, not sure what had just happended and then I looked over at my wife. In almost unison, we broke out into a smile. The sadness of the day had been wiped out by the crippled hand and generous touch of an old lady.

The dollar, although exciting to Molly, was not what made us smile or begin to feel differently, it was the offer from an old lady who felt our hurt and our suffering. The crippled hand symbolized a healing touch and made us realize that we did not have to fight this battle alone; that others cared and wanted to help. We felt up-lifted and soon our day filled with more happy thoughts as we spent the rest of our lunch planning the next day at home with fun filled activities for eveyone.

I will never forget that crippled arthritic hand that taught us such an important lesson. One does not have to go through life facing hardships all alone; the world is full of compassionate and understanding people. Even those that are suffering from their own afflictions have much to give to each other.

The hand that covered Molly's on that day still covers it. And although Molly is no longer with me, I can see her holding hands with that old lady now, both hands perfect and both faces filled with smiles and laughter. And though Heaven has these two perfect angels now, the lessons that they both taught me will remain forever in my heart.

Story by : Tim Reynolds


Sunday, November 26, 2006

Neutralizing Your Two Major Fears

The Greatest Obstacle to Success

The fear of failure is the single greatest obstacle to success in adult life. Taken to its extreme, we become totally pre-occupied with not making a mistake, with seeking approval for security above all other considerations. The experience of the fear of failure is in the words of “I can’t”, “I can’t.” We feel it in the front of the body, starting at the solar plexus and moving up to the rapid beating of the heart, rapid breathing and a tight throat. We also experience this fear in the bladder and in the irresistible need to run to the bathroom.

The Fear of Rejection Holds You Back

The second major fear that interferes with performance and inhibits expression, is the fear of rejection. We learn this when our parents make their love conditional upon our behavior. If we do what pleases them, they give us love and approval. If we do something they don’t like, they withdraw their love and approval—which we interpret as rejection.

The Roots of Type A Behavior

As adults, people raised with conditional love become preoccupied with the opinions of others. Many men develop Type A behavior which is characterized by hostility, suspicion and an obsession with performance to some undetermined high standard. This is expressed in the attitude of “I have to,” I have to,” and is associated with the feeling that “I have to work harder and accomplish more in order to please the boss” who has become a surrogate parent.

The Most Common Trap

More than 99 percent of adults experience both these fears of failure and rejection. They are caught in the trap of feeling, “I can’t,” but “I have to,” “I have to,” but “I can’t.”

The Key to Peak Performance

The antidote to these fears is the development of courage, character and self-esteem. The opposite of fear is actually love, self-love and self-respect. Acting with courage in a fearful situation is simply a technique that boosts our regard for ourselves to such a degree that our fears subside and lose their ability to effect our behavior and our decisions.

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do to increase your self-esteem and self-confidence and overcome your fears.

First, realize and accept that you can do anything you put your mind to. Repeat the words, “I can do it! I can do it!” whenever you feel afraid for any reason.

Second, continually think of yourself as a valuable and important person and remember that temporary failure is the way you learn how to succeed.


Happiness - A Choice You Must Make

Over the course of my life's journey I have come to realize that happiness is much more something we must choose then something that simply comes and goes according to random events or obstacles that are thrown our way in life.

In the past I found myself under the illusion that if I attained certain goals, or succeeded at certain things then happiness would follow - which in the short term I'll concede that it often did.

The problem with this is that I was often left chasing my next batch of happiness, as though it were something that I could only have for short intervals in between accomplishments. The problem was that over time I realized that I wanted more - I wanted to feel joy on a more consistent basis. I didn't want it to be something I had to continuously chase after. In other words I wanted the kind of happiness that didn't require me to attain something in order to have the feeling.

Fortunately I've come to the realization that for the most part I can choose to be happy on a daily basis. In order to do this at times it may even mean faking it - better yet, forcing the feelings until the genuine happiness and gratitude sets in.

I've found that something as simple as smiling can do wonders to help me see that I have in me the ability to choose to be happy.

I believe one of the best things we can do is to live in the moment, it does wonders when it comes to cultivating a life filled with ongoing happiness. Taking the time to reflect and be grateful for the things we have accomplished can also have an enormous impact when it comes to lifting our moods.

I'd strongly encourage you to take breaks during the day to ponder those happy memories that you've collected in your life and make it a point to build new ones as well.

I believe it is also worth noting that sometimes in life we are just going to feel down. People are going to do things that disappoint or hurt us. We are going to have our hearts broken and we're going to have to deal with all sorts of loss. Life is not all smiles unfortunately.

However, while I believe we have to acknowledge that some days are filled with sadness -- I don't believe it does us any long-term good to spend any length of time dwelling on them, in doing so we are only giving power to things that we have no control over. Instead remind yourself that you are making the choice to choose happiness.

Deciding to move forward and choosing happiness over sorrow is a tough choice. Sometimes you may feel as though you are fighting an uphill battle. At other times it will seem that the dark clouds may never give way to the sunshine. It is at those very moments that we have to remind ourselves that somewhere amidst whatever chaos may surround us -- we still have the choice to decide on happiness

Practice making this choice by doing things that make you smile, as well as bring joy to others. When you share kindness it always finds its way back to you.


Friday, November 24, 2006

How To Set Goals

The famous motivational author and speaker Brian Tracy once said that if you don’t have your own goals, then you are working towards the goals of someone else.

It’s hard enough to build a successful network marketing business if you are aiming for a target that you cannot see. Imagine aiming for target that you don’t even have!

This article is focused on setting goals around your business. However, you should also set goals around all areas of your life. Spiritual goals, relationship goals, health goals, and family goals should all be on your list. However, just saying what you want is not enough. There is a specific way in which you should set goals outlined here

1. It needs to be specific – Don’t just make a goal that you want your business to grow or that you want to make a lot of money. You must be specific. How much money exactly do you want to be making? How many sales do you want to be producing? Don’t generalize, be specific.

2. It needs to be written down – Saying your goals out loud, but committing them to pen and paper has real power. Make sure that you are writing them down.

3. It needs to have a time frame – Also known as a deadline, your goals should have a specific date attached to them. You want to be making “X” amount of dollars by such and such date.

4. You must believe it – If you write down a goal that you don’t believe you can achieve, then you are wasting your time. You must get it in your head that you can achieve the goal, that you have all the available resources you need and that anything you need that you don’t currently have will be made available to you at exactly the right moment.

5. Read your goals daily – You can either read them out loud in the morning or in the evening before you go to sleep. It will seem funny if this is the first time you have ever done this, but the goal is to get the goals deep into your subconscious so that all of the decisions you make during the course of the day will be filtered against your goals.

Try to come up with at least 10 goals to start with. If you have never written down goals before you may find this challenging. That’s ok, just stick with it. Once you have all ten written down, then review them daily and watch what happens to your network marketing business!

Article by : Cyrus Uible


Are You Suffering from the Autopilot Dilemma?

An epidemic is occurring all around you, and there is a good chance it has already found its way into your life. It begins slowly at first, nearly imperceptible. But it grows. In time it can take over your entire life. I have seen it happen too many times, and if you don't act now, it may happen to you.

It's easy to fall into the trap. Well-intentioned individuals of all ages don't mean for it to happen, but that doesn't matter. It takes much more than good intentions to steer clear of this problem. If all it took was good intentions the world would be packed with people living their dreams and accomplishing their goals. But that's not how it works, and this trap is one of the most common reasons why it has happened too often in the past, and will continue to happen in the future.

What exactly are we dealing with here? What is so deadly to the goals and hopes you have stored away in your head?



A very unusual experiment was conducted by John Fabre, the French naturalist, consisting of processionary caterpillars, a type of caterpillar that blindly follows the one in front of it. This explains the name processionary caterpillar. The experiment consisted of several of these caterpillars, a flowerpot filled to the rim with dirt, and pine needles.

The caterpillars formed a complete circle around the rim of the flowerpot, with the first one touching the back of the last one. The pine needles, the food of the processionary caterpillar, were placed in the center of the circle.

The caterpillars began their procession around the flowerpot, one following the other in a circle. This went on hour after hour, day after day, for an entire week. In the end, every one of the caterpillars dropped dead of starvation

The one thing that could have saved them was only six inches away, but without purposeful thought or action, the caterpillars continued with a habitual routine that eventually proved too much to endure.

This is happening to people you know, maybe even you, although not to this degree. Get stuck doing the same old thing every single day and your goals, sitting only inches away, are as good as gone.

Plain and simple. You might think it's a little too simple, but falling into a routine can destroy your life. I have very strong beliefs about this because I have seen it happen to people close to me, as I'm sure you have as well. Good friends and family start off with bright hopes for the future, but their routine begins to take their place. 'No time, no time,' is a common excuse. After seventy years of having no time to do the things you have always wanted to do you'll end up with nothing but a good excuse in the end.

This is your life we are talking about here. It's worth taking the time to break the pattern of habit and creating the changes you wish to make. There is little more that is as important as the life you create and the good you leave behind. Recognize if you are in a routine and break free.


The routines I'm referring to are much deeper than a morning process of a shower and shave. I'm talking about turning off your brain and letting autopilot kick in. Doing the same things you did the day before with no plans to change the pattern any time soon.

You know the drill - wake up, shower, work, home, sleep, repeat. This is no way to live, and you know that. But it's still hard to break free once the routine has gotten hold of you. All hope is not lost. If you want to turn off the autopilot and start taking control of your life it takes only one moment to make the decision. And then everything changes.

You've heard it a thousands times, and it's a good thing, because it's true. If you keep doing what you have always done in the past you will keep getting the exact same results. People experience a partial insanity when it comes to routine. Perfectly logical creatures believe that doing the same thing again and again will get different results. That's crazy!

If you want to lose weight but continue with the same eating habits, you won't lose weight. If you want to have more energy but stay up until four and get up at six it won't happen. You have goals, just like everyone else. If you are stuck in a routine you won't accomplish them. Be honest with yourself about this one. It's the only way you'll realize the need for a change before you can enjoy improvement.


What does it take? It takes a decision. A choice of what you really want to do with your life and the corresponding actions to make it happen. I want you to create a plan for your future and the goals you want to accomplish. If you know where you are going and how to get there you will not be disappointed in the end.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Principles for Becoming an Achiever in Life

No matter from what background, circumstances, orenvironment you may have come, it's always essential tostrive to better yourself. I have great respect for thosewho are born into horrible and demeaning situations in life.

And yet, in spite of their situations, they got up, got out,and became successes. Some of these individuals were born ondirt floors, having to wallow in poverty, surrounded bycrime, gangs, drugs, and worse.

I honor those who achieved success in spite of suchchallenges; especially, those who were abused by parents,guardians, caregivers, or people who are supposed to betrustworthy.

What enables people to transcend dismal situations? Ibelieve it's because they have come to know and recognizethe enemies of achievement.

First, they know that physical poverty hurts, but they alsorealize that poverty of the spirit is a greater problem thanjust being poor in money and in resources.

A spirit of cynicism and a sense of boredom are the greatestenemies of progress. They produce inaction, reluctance, andcause one to retreat.

To advance and develop, you must know you can; and then, youmust take action. Self-awareness, personal growth,education, and entrepreneurial "spunk" lead to success.

The person who transcends even the most bleak ofcircumstances is the one who believes that in a universe ofunlimited possibilities, there's always another opportunityto make things just a little better.

Second, achievers believe in themselves. Why should youbelieve in yourself? The achievement of anything begins withthe idea that it is possible to do and that you can do it.Belief is a powerful motivator.

Every year thousands of people go forth seeking to livetheir dreams. Many struggle but through persistent effortand belief in themselves, they become successful in creatinga stable and secure life for themselves.

Third, achievers have figured out that problems andchallenges come with the territory, and they are undauntedby them. Those who rise up and become successes in life viewchallenges merely as inconveniences and not as problems.

From their perspective, no challenge is permanent, and theyact as if obstacles don't even exist. They set goals andforge ahead. They go under, over, around, and through. Theyfocus on solutions.

They've also learned that it does no good to complain topeople who don't care and can't help you. So if you're goingto complain, find people who care. If you can't, be quietand move on!

Fourth, achievers never use lack of talent as an excuse fornot making an effort. At some point, many of us learn to beafraid and skeptical of our chances to accomplish what wewant. But at what point do we choose to quit or give up? Youmust be determined to persevere, endure, and overcome.

Fifth, achievers find joy. There is joy in livingmeaningfully, with a clear purpose and using creativeintelligence. That choice is up to each of us. Joy ishappiness that does not depend on circumstance. Find yourwellspring of joy and go to it every day.

Growth is what life is about. On the one hand it comesnaturally, on the other hand it comes by exerting someeffort. Achievers realize that all of the elements and toolsnecessary to grow and develop are available. Developing yourmind and body comes as the result of being curious, wantingto learn, and directing your energy.

Getting with others to set goals and work, makes it easierto encourage yourself, improve your condition, and stretch.Eventually, you will encounter people who often believe inyou more than you believe in yourself. It's by meetinglife's challenges together that we are strengthened, grow,and achieve our dreams.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

7 Steps For Melting Anger On The Spot

Anger is a lethal force that undermines our lives in all kinds of ways. Sometimes it erupts openly and other times anger camouflages it and covertly undermines your life. Some experience anger as strength and power. They feel it is necessary in order to maintain control. Others assume they have the right to express anger towards those in their lives. These are some of the lies anger tells us. In fact, when we are angry we are out of control and our ability to respond wisely is diminished.

Here are 7 steps for handling anger on the spot

Step 1: Realize that anger is a choice you make

Anger is not a form of power, strength, or control. It is a toxin. Sometimes it provides a temporary high. After this high subsides, we are left weaker and more uncertain than before. Not only that, there are often negative consequences that have to be handled

Basically anger narrows your focus, creates confusion and limits your ability to find constructive solutions. When anger arises, stop, breathe deeply, and immediately look at the larger perspective. Put the incident in context. For a moment, allow the other person to be "right". Tell yourself you have plenty of time to be right later. Your main goal is to have the anger subside so you can see the whole picture clearly.

Step 2: Become aware of the 24 forms of anger

Anger camouflages itself and finds many covert ways of manifesting. Unrecognized anger turns into all kinds of unwanted behavior. When these behaviors are not understood it is very difficult to correct them. Awareness is important in making necessary changes.

Some of the 24 forms of anger are: depression, passive aggressive behavior, compulsions, perfectionism, gossiping and certain kinds of competition at the workplace. When you realize that these are being fuelled by anger, you can take appropriate steps to handle them.

Step 3: Start Relationship Balancing

Relationship Balancing is the natural flow of energy, support and inspiration between individuals. When this flow is balanced individuals operate at their maximum level. When the flow is blocked or out of balance, individuals become depressed, apathetic, sick and resentful. When one feels needed and acknowledged, there is no end to their ability to tap their full potential. Envision balanced relationships. Write down what this means to you and notice how it compares to the reality of your particular situation. This initial step provides a map and new focus. It provides a direction to move in.

Step 4: Discover Your Relationship Balancing Quotient

List each individual you interact with. Score each person on the following questions from 1-10. See for yourself what is going on.

a) I I feel at ease with this person.
b) I trust this person.
c) I communicate naturally with this person.
d) I understand what they're communicating to me.
e) I am able to ask this person for what I want from them.
f) I am able to give this person what they want from me.

Assess exactly what is going on in your important relationships. Take a look at what you want from each relationship. Separate your needs and wants. Start communicating your feelings in a responsible manner and asking for what you really need and want. Start truly listening to the other, to who they actually are, not your images or agendas for them.

We can often be in a relationship with a person for a long time and not even begin to know who they truly are. As you begin taking the steps above, you will make natural adjustments in getting this relationship back on track.

Step 5: Stop Casting Blame

Blaming others is one of the largest factors in causing imbalance in your relationships and keeping the anger going. Stop casting blame. By blaming others you are disempowering yourself. By taking responsibility you are taking back control. Stop a moment and see the situation through your opponent's eyes. When you do this blame dissolves on the spot. Also, remember, the best defense against being hurt is to feel good about yourself and the way a person responds to you says more about them, than about you.

As you stop casting blame you will be letting go of all kinds of resentments. Resentment inevitably affects our well-being and always bounces back on us. Look for and find what is positive in each individual. Focus on that.

Step 6 - Create Realistic Expectations

There is nothing that makes us more angry and hurt than expectations we've been holding onto that have not been met. It is important that you become aware of what your expectations are for your relationships. Are they realistic? Does the other person hold expectations that are similar? Let go of unrealistic fantasies. Once this is done, much opportunity for anger diminishes on the spot.

Step 7 – Develop A Grateful Mind

See what different people in your lives are truly giving to you. We often take many things for granted and are even unaware of all that we are receiving day by day. Take time to write down each day what you are receiving. Be grateful for that. Make a point of giving thanks. The more we thank others, the happier we become. Also, take time to write down all that you have given others that day. It may be a surprise. We often think we are giving so much and receiving so little. This is a great cause of anger, deprivation and emptiness within. However, when we take time daily to write it down and look at it carefully, we are often surprised and how much we have received and how little given in return. As we look at it carefully, and balance these two activities, we learn to take pleasure both in what we have given and what has been received.

Article by : Brenda Shoshanna

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

7 simple tips for getting the confidence

The most successful people I know are always aiming higher and demanding more of themselves. And without confidence in their ability to pull off the next project they grind to a halt until they can get into the right state of mind.

7 simple tips for getting the confidence you want...

  • Spend time each day with confident people.

Their energy and inner strength is so inspiring that you will find yourself feeling more empowered just by listening to them talk.

And you can get tips from them. All you need to do is ask! Even one good idea could point you in a whole new direction you would not have otherwise considered.

  • Find a mentor.

Nearly all successful people have a mentor. You too need someone who has already done what you are working to achieve who is willing to advise you.

This person will help you to succeed even more quickly than you can imagine. Remember, two minds are better than one.

When you have someone who believes in you and you have a plan you believe in -- your confidence will soar.

  • Understand that confidence is only a feeling.

Have you ever felt confident? If you have ever felt confident in any situation then you can feel confident again in the future.

How? By re-accessing that confident feeling. This is something that is worth doing every day. Spend 15 minutes a day reliving occasions in your life when you felt confident. Imagine it all in rich detail and pay very close attention to the feelings of confidence.

After only a few days, feeling confident will become a good habit.

  • List your reasons to be confident

Becoming aware of why you can be confident will help you get back on track. Make a list of at least 50 reasons why you can be confident today. Include previous successes, your skills and qualities, your support network and your goals. Put down everything that pops into your mind.

After you have done this you will have tapped into the power of consistency. You will be under pressure to be consistent with your own logic that stated you can be confident.

  • Make a public declaration

Tell someone whose opinion you value that you will be confident at a particular event. Your desire to impress this person will cause you to do all that you can to be at your very best.

And when you demand more of yourself you will be amazed at what you can do. You will start finding solutions to problems that left you stuck and you will seek advice from people who can help you.

  • Preparation makes perfect

Have you ever watched a top sportsperson in action and wondered to yourself at how easy she makes it look? Or listened to your favorite music CD and felt inspired by the talent of the singer?


How did these superstars get to the top? Practice, practice and more practice. I read an article about Pavarotti, the opera singer, and he said he practices daily and he still learns something new about his voice each day!

When you spend more time honing your skills your confidence will soar because you will know with certainty that you can and will perform when the curtain goes up.

  • Self comparison is key

Compare your progress in life with your previous results. Look to the success of others to learn and not to measure your own success.

When you put your focus on the daily improvement of your own skills and abilities you can and will grow very quickly. And your confidence will surge.

Confidence without competence is a dangerous combination.

Make it easy for yourself and only engage in self-comparison when you are assessing your progress. By doing this you will make it easier to keep at it when the going gets tough and your competence will grow day by day.

I Can Do It

It is about being blind since birth and yet having the conviction that you can make it and becoming a Stevie Wonder .He was never deterred by his handicap , being to learn the piano at the age of seven and mastering both the drums and the harmonica by the age of nine

Born in Bonn , Germany , he moved to Vienna , Austria , in his early twenties, and settled there, studying with Joseph Haydn and quickly gaining a reputation as a virtuoso pianist. In his late twenties he began to lose his hearing, and yet continued to produce notable masterpieces throughout his life in the face of this personal disaster. Beethoven was one of the first composers who worked as a freelance - arranging subscription concerts, selling his compositions to publishers, and gaining financial support from a number of wealthy patrons - rather than being permanently employed by the Church or by an aristocratic court.

It is about being kicked out of school and then becoming the world's leading business tycoon and changing the way the world works like Bill Gates has done .
In fact , it is about failing in business at the age of 21 ,
being degeated at the age of 21 ,
being defeated in a legislative election at the age of 22 ,
overcoming at the age of 26 ,
losing congressional races at the ages of 34 and 36
losing the senatorial reace at the age of 45 and ,

again later at the age of 49 , losing the race for the vice-president post at the age of 49 ,

and finally becoming the president of United State of America at the age of 52 .

It is about being Abraham Lincoln.

All these events - which to a common man would seem to be failures were to Abraham Lincoln stepping stones to a future that he passionalately dreamt of .

31 Ways to Get An Extra Hour Out of Each Day

How can you get an extra hour out of each day? For many small business owners this is a daily challenge.

I myself have often wished that there were 27 hours in the day. I’ll even settle for 25.
Here are some tips to help you squeeze those extra minutes out of your day. Of course, you can adapt these so that they will fit in with your situation. I hope these are helpful to you.

1. Get up earlier

2. Watch less TV (I mean how many Law & Order spinoffs does one need to watch?)

3. Avoid allowing others to waste your time

4. If you don’t have to drive to work, use that time to study or plan. If you do drive to work
listen to a motivational tape on the way to work instead of that mindless dj talk.

5. Organize your work; do it systematically.

6. Make creative use of lunchtime.

7. Delegate authority if possible.

8. Spend less time on unimportant phone calls.

9. Think first, then do the task.

10. Do what you dream about doing, instead of just dreaming about it.

11. Work hardest when you’re the most mentally alert

12. Eliminate activities that make the smallest contributions to your life.

13. Always do the toughest jobs first.

14. Before each major act ask, "Is this really necessary?"

15. Choose interesting and constructive literature for spare time reading.

16. Learn how to sleep. Sleep soundly, then work refreshed.

17. Skip desserts.

18. Stop smoking.

19. Write notes or letters while waiting for others.

20. Always carry an envelope with paper in it and a few stamps.

21. Combine tasks that are done in the same area.

22. Be prompt for all appointments.

23. Lay out your clothes the night before.(I need to remember this myself)

24. Call on specialists to do work that you cannot do efficiently

25. Learn to read more rapidly.

26. Take a nap after dinner. Then take a shower. Begin the evening hours relaxed and

27. Avoid interruptions.

28. Avoid making a big production out of tiny tasks.

29. Search out job shortcuts.

30. Know your limitations.

31. Work to your full capacity. I know it's tough to break bad habits. However, it is necessary to make sacrifices so that your business can be successful. Don't try to implement all of these ideas at once. Implement them one at a time and repeat them until they become a part of your daily routine.

What Do Your Pray For?

Throughout the world, people reach out to the Divine in prayer. Prayer is the language of faith through which we pour out the soul’s deepest longings, find strength and comfort, give thanks, and connect with the sacred-however we define it. Recently Beliefnet and U.S. News and World Report teamed up to conduct an online poll about prayer. More than 5600 people answered, 64% of whom said they pray more than once a day. What is it they pray for?

Just about everything. The results revealed that what people pray for ranges from requests for guidance, healing, and protection to pleas for a soulmate, a better job--or even a good parking spot.

Perhaps even more fascinating than what people pray for are the answers they get in response to their petitions. What constitutes an "answered prayer"? According to our survey, some of us believe our prayers serve to directly fulfill our wishes (overcoming an addiction, finding a misplaced object), while others believe answered prayers come in the form of intimacy with God, comfort in a time of crisis, or increased awareness of one's blessings.

We are requesting readers to "describe any times when your prayers were answered," we will publish in our articles and books of future edition.

These responses offer a fascinating glimpse into the powerful way prayer affects people's lives.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Why You Should Read Good Books According to the Wise Men

When I was a young boy, my uncle Nick taught me the value of reading good books. According to him “reading good books it can help and motivate you to attain the heights of extra-ordinary success like the story of the ordinary men in the world who became great leaders, great thinkers, and great writers.” Since then, I encouraged and motivated myself the value of reading books. And now, I have found out that reading good book, it’s really a good amusement that can help the young mind like mine to dream towards the higher goal of life on how to conquer the impossible things!

The great philosopher of the 17th Century Rene Descartes, once says, “Reading all the good books is like a conversation with the finest authors of the past centuries.”

Brian Tracy, the author of the book “Psychology of Success” commented, “I have books that I have read 10 or 20 times and that look like rainbows from page to page. They are literally covered with all kinds of colors and marks. Needless to say, the information and ideas in those books has soaked so deeply into my psyche that I can recite much of the material in my dreams.”

I still recall the great Jim Rohn once says, “People from all walks of life, people with some of the most incredible life experiences, people that have gone from pennies to fortune and from failure to success have taken the time to write down their experiences so that we might share in their wealth of knowledge. They have offered their wisdom and experience so that we can be inspired by it and instructed by it, and so that we can amend our philosophy by it. Their contributions enable us to reset our sail based upon their experiences. They have handed us the gift of their insights so that we can change our plans, if need be, in order to avoid their errors. We can rearrange our lives based on their wise advice.”

I have found out and learned through my readings that books are keys to wisdom’s treasure; books are gates to lend of pleasure; books are paths that upward to lead and books are friends come, let us read.

I still remember Charles Darwin words “Survival to the fittest.” It’s really true! Life is full of challenges. Everyone who wants to compete in the battles and games of life, He should encourage and motivate himself to goes into strict training, self-discipline, continuing polishing of his attitude and character. He should also encourage and teach himself to continue feeding his mind with the fresh knowledge and wisdom enable not to disqualify in any games of life.
Brian Tracy reminds you beloved readers that, “You need to read an hour or two each day just to keep current with your field. You need to read newspapers, magazines, newsletters, correspondence and other materials. But you don't get ahead with regular reading. You must invest in the future while you keep current with the present. If you want to get ahead, you must read things that give you new ideas and insights, not merely things that confirm what you already know.”

He further reminds you that, “Becoming a proficient and persistent reader may not be easy to do so, but it's certainly possible. The future does belong to the competent. Those who know more will always win out over those who know less. The more you read, the better you get. The more you learn, the easier it is for you to learn. And the more you challenge your mind, the smarter you get.”

Before I will conclude my article, I would like you to ponder and recall this dear readers,

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Maximum Motivation By Practicing Long Term Thinking

One of the key characteristics of highly successful and motivated people is that they practice the fine art of long term thinking. Donald Trump always has had a five year plan. Many successful athletes and business people have commented in interviews about their long-term plans. Many famous football coaches have five year plans that they discuss with the press when they are hired. Of course, most of them are on five year contracts!

I recently read of an Asian businessman who is a multimillionaire. He was being interviewed by a reporter about the plans for his company. The reporter was amazed that the man had a five year and a twenty year plan for his company. The reporter thanked him for the interview and as he was leaving the business man said “Yes, but you haven’t asked me about my “100 year plan”. The businessman had a 100 and a 300 year plan laid out for his company and we wonder why he is so successful?

Go Long
One of the essential ingredients for success and for staying motivated is to have a long-term plan. This will allow you to think long term instead of short term. Think of your life going forward as a giant chessboard. If you were able to stand above the board with a five-year view- would it affect the moves you made? Of course! Long-term thinking is the act of moving many moves ahead. This has an impact on your decisions because they get easier with an eye toward the results in the future not just the present.

Let me give you an example. My wife and I for many years ago wanted a house but we couldn’t afford a down payment on a standard house. Using long- term thinking we found a deal on a small modest townhouse. We made an offer and the offer was accepted. We didn’t want a townhouse at all, but we knew the townhouse was the road to a free standing home later down the road. A few years went by and we sold it and moved into a “regular” house. Using long-term thinking we were able to use the “trade up” theory to finally reach the destination we wanted in the first place. The first house was not the house we always wanted but it was a good step in the right direction. Finally we bought the home we live in today and we could live here the rest of our lives and be happy. The journey from townhouse to the house we really wanted was done in three moves. (Townhouse, House #1, House #2)

If you had to get up very early every day and in order to get the work done, and you had to work late every night in order to finish your work, after a while you would lose your motivation and it would start to fade. However if you know with absolute certainty that in only five years you would be paid one million dollars, you would be willing to do the hard work with that long term thought in mind. You would cheerfully and enthusiastically do the work. That is the magic and motivation of long-term thinking. It is the fuel that keeps you going when others stop.
Let’s take a look at Arnold. You know the Arnold that I mean- the muscle bound body building champion, actor, producer, director of drama and comedic films. He practices long-term thinking and always has. When he was growing up in Austria, he always told his friends “I am going to America to become Mr. Universe and then I am going to be a big movie star in Hollywood.” His friends all laughed at him of course, but Arnold practiced long-term thinking so he just smiled because he had a master plan. He moved to America, became a five time Mr. Universe and a star was born on the silver screen in Hollywood.

This was all accomplished despite hardships and great odds. He had to battle against the handicap of a heavy accent. Next he was told he was good in action films but couldn’t do comedy. Of course he defied all the odds and succeeded beyond all expectations, all because he practiced long-term thinking. Here are some tips on getting started with long-term thinking:

•Take a step back
Pick a quiet part of the day when you can really think without being rushed. Think about your life up to this point. Where have you been? What have you done? What was it that got you there? If you were to draw a map of your life up to this point- what would it look like? Now, look forward and ask yourself the same questions with a forward perspective. Where are you going? What do you want to do? After you answer these questions, use it to formulate a plan and start today.

•Start practicing daily long term thinking
When decisions come up on a daily basis, ask yourself the following question “Does this tie into my long-term plan?” Let’s say you get a call from an old friend who is starting a brand new business venture. He is looking for investors and needs about $20,000.00. The business is a great concept and if it succeeds you can triple your money in one year. If it fails you can lose all your 20K.The question must then be asked does this tie into your long-term plan? Does the money being made tie into your plan? If the money is lost does it affect other long-term plans that you have made? It may relate to a long-term financial plan, a long-term entrepreneurial plan or some other plan that you have. This makes the decision a little easier.

Look at your life in bigger “chunks”
We have a tendency to calendar our days very tightly and that is a sign of excellent planning and preparation. However the problem with looking at a calendar is that we are looking at next week, next month, but rarely at next year or the next three years. I often ask people in a conversation if the opportunity presents itself about their “five year plan.” When I ask that most people look at me like I am balancing 50 plates on my head. Most people don’t have any idea and 9 out of 10 have never thought about the next five years. I believe that one of the keys to motivation is having the courage to ask the right questions and sometimes, difficult ones. The quality of the answer is only as good as the question.

Just because you have a long term plan doesn’t mean you can’t change it
At one time in my life I decided I wanted to be an actor. I saw a play and I was truly inspired and decided to change my major to drama. I was in an acting class my senior year and I experienced what I will call a “Lightning Moment.” This is when the obvious strikes you like a powerful thunderbolt and you “get it”. I realized I was sitting in class being taught by a brilliant man who was a British academy award winner. It occurred to me at that very moment that if he couldn’t make a living acting then I knew I couldn’t make it, as an actor, and more importantly, I didn’t want to pursue it. It struck me like a huge universal truth and I changed my long-term plan then and there. It is O.K. to change you plans because after all it is your plan!

This is messy
Practicing long term thinking and having a plan is messy and it is not perfect. It is a process. You will stumble and start over. You may change your mind, several times. But remember that in order to get motivated and stay motivated you have to be working from a long term thinking mindset. Do you remember the hidden pictures that became popular several years ago? The picture where you stare at it and a long time and eventually a picture “reveals itself?” Long-term thinking is like that. If you keep at it a picture will emerge.

Be patient
Don’t get frustrated. The essence of long-term thinking is that it is LONG TERM. It is not a sprint, it is a marathon. I get frustrated because today as a society we are in the instant gratification mode and everybody wants everything… now. The reality is that nothing worthy happens quickly. The stars that we all see that are “overnight sensations” have worked for years before they hit the “big time.” As the old saying goes “Rome was not built in a day.” This also applies to a life and a career.

Practice long term thinking by constantly visualizing where you are going. If part of your long-term thinking is to own a big huge mansion, then visualize that big mansion. Where will it be? What will the architecture look like? How big is it? What color will it be? How about the carpet? How about the ceilings? The deck? The pool? You need to visualize that mansion over and over. Better yet find a picture of the mansion of your dreams, cut it out and display it where you can see it. Find a mansion in your town that resembles the dream home you want and drive by and see it every now and then. (just don’t go by too often, you may make them think you are a stalker!)

Change your language
When you talk out loud or talk to yourself (I know you do) then make sure you are talking in a way that keeps you motivated. Instead of saying “If I become a manager” say, “when I become a manager.” Remember that your subconscious is listening to everything you say and everything you do. Create a positive self expectation that leaves no room for doubt. Just be careful about how you use this technique. Some of the negative people in the world would love to misinterpret what you are saying as “cocky” or as egotistical. Ignore them those people behind that curtain! They dare to question the great and powerful you?

Set benchmarks
In order to stay motivated, it is important to set benchmarks along the way. If for example you wanted lose fifty pounds, you would be much more motivated if you set benchmarks along the way. It may be benchmarks relating to number of weeks working out, weight loss at the end of one month, number of days on the diet. These benchmarks will let you track your performance along the way; if you walk in baby steps you can be more motivated as you achieve each step. Another idea is to write down the steps to your goal. Let’s say there are 15 steps to reaching the goal. After you have achieved each step you can check it off the list.

So now you can see the utmost importance of long-term thinking. It is valuable and important for a very compelling reason. The reason is that practicing long-term thinking is really the way to make your life count. As most of us know, we only have and the idea is to squeeze it for all it is worth. Ideally when you are older and appreciating the golden years of retirement, you want to look back on your life and say, “Wow… what a life I had and I did some great things.”
To me the biggest tragedy of all is not when someone dies early. The biggest tragedy of all is when someone dies of old age having squandered their maximum potential.

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Time to Get Up and Just Do IT!

What is stopping you from reaching your goals, your dreams, the successes you deserve in life? All too often it is because the small business IT consultant just doesn’t do IT! Many consultants and owners of small business IT companies talk a great talk, and plan until they are blue face and then fail to execute. They fail to just get up and do IT!

There is a lot of money left on the table by many IT consulting companies who do not get up and recognize the opportunities that exist inside their existing client base. Who wins deals and has successful organizations? IT consultants who are in tune with the changing trends in the computer business, along with those who have the vision to identify the needs of their clients even before their clients really feel the pain of the way they do business today.

Another factor is that the ownership of the consulting firm does not reward the overachievers in their organization. These overachievers really give of themselves for their own success and that of their firm. These quality people come into the office early, work their lunch hours and stay late often see the driftwood of the company being treated exactly the same way they are. When this happens, the overachievers quickly take on the same character traits of the underachievers in a company. There is no motivation to excel and the corporate culture is seen as one of underachievement. The worst thing that will happen is that these same overachievers seek employment somewhere else where their skills are recognized and they become your competition.

One thing in my own business life that has gave me a competitive edge in what I do, and increased my productivity in a huge way, is that I use normally quiet hours to get work done. I recently read in Brian Tracy’s book “Get Rich Your Own Way” that if you get into the office an hour before everyone else, work through your lunch hour and stay one hour later you will have three times the productivity. The reason? All of those who just want to get by are not in the office yet. Just look at the expressway in the AM, for example. The roads are full of those who are just getting by. Overachievers get into work faster and get home faster because the roads are generally clear. The same is true for productivity—when the path is clear, more work gets done.

Business owners need to lead by example. Business owners in the information technology business need to always have their crystal balls tuned up to see the future, get up off their seats and get out and do IT. Too many times we see excuses like “That is the Service Business, and we have to live with this.” When your staff hears this kind of message they immediately see this as the way you do business and your company is immediately not doing IT. What can you do to reverse this way of thinking? Karl Bryan of Leader Global Consulting in Calgary, Alberta states “you will make ten times as much money being unique than being better”. With the trends in the IT service business being “lack of service” just taking care of your clients will make you unique. So why would you as an owner of a company settle for a comment like “that is the service industry?” It is time to get up and do IT! Give your clients the kind of service that will pleasantly surprise them and set your company apart.

The question to the owner of a small business computer consulting firm is this – do you want to know every single day how your clients see your service or do you want to live in the dark assuming that you are doing a good job? You need to get out and do IT. Your business development people need to get out of the office and stop waiting for the phone to ring. The overachievers in your team are the ones who are never in your office because they are in constant contact with your client base ensuring that everything is going well. You can never touch your clients too much! It is important to follow up on service calls with your clients from the CEO to the receptionist. Now, the underachievers in your organization may view this as interfering in what they are doing or rather what they are not doing! When it is made clear that business development representatives and service people are expected to produce results, the underachievers in an organization immediately raise their guard because they will be found to be underperforming. The overachievers will embrace this challenge and actually assist you in information and lead gathering on what your clients want from your company.

Are you doing IT? Are you as the business owner of a small business computer consulting firm doing everything possible to allow your business to win, or are you a victim, blaming the market, blaming your vendors, blaming your clients, blaming anyone or are you responsible for the outcome of your business? Are you responsible for the positive impact in your business? As a business owner you must be an optimist! Sounds simple, yet it is human nature for people to have a negative approach on almost everything. What would happen to your business if you approached everything with a winning, positive attitude? Take responsibility for everything that happens in your business. Stop talking and planning-- do IT.

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Saturday, November 11, 2006

9 Proven Principles for Increasing Productivity, Profit and Peace of Mind

Do you feel guilty about all the publications you purchase but never read -- or the articles you read with great ideas or opportunities you never implement? Are you spending time recreating marketing materials because you cannot find what you wrote the preceding month or year? Do you run out the door for an appointment at the last minute because you could not find your keys or the directions you needed to get where you are going? Are you frequently feeling tired and overwhelmed? Do the people you care about express frustration at your disorganization or want to spend more time with you? If so, “getting organized” should be high on your priority list!

One of the continual frustrations in my career as a professional organizing consultant has been people’s misconceptions about what it means to be “organized.” Visions of unrealistically tidy desks and impossible mandates such as “Handle a piece of paper only once” conjure up feelings of frustration and impossibility. Fears of being imprisoned by a specific work style eliminate the reality of the freedom resulting from true organization.

What does it mean to “get organized?” Many people have a total misunderstanding of what it really means. I am trained as a musician. I look at organizing as an art form. Paint me a picture of what you want your life to be like, and I will help you get organized so you can get there!

“Organization” is very personal. To identify whether a particular aspect of your work or life is organized, ask these three questions:

1. Does it work?
2. Do you like it?
3. Does it work for others?

Getting organized is about creating and sustaining a setting in which everything around you supports who you are and who you want to be – and allows everyone else you care about to do the same! The secret of getting organized and staying organized is what we call a “Productive Environment.” I have spent the past 25+ years assisting individuals and organizations to create and sustain a productive environment so they can accomplish their work and enjoy their lives. We do that by helping them organize their time, space and information.

If you are ready for a life that will help you increase your profit and decrease your stress, here are 9 proven principles to get you started:

1. Today’s mail is tomorrow’s pile:Are you sick of the clutter in your life? Most people start getting organized by throwing away old stuff. Our most popular service is called The 8-Hour Miracle™. We spend eight hours with a client with the promise of three things: 1) You will know what to do with every new thing that comes into your home or office. 2) You will be able to find anything we have filed or stored in that eight hours in five seconds or less. 3) You will have a Productive Environment GamePlan™ for handling whatever we didn’t handle in the eight hours we were there. If we do not live up to that promise, you do not owe us any money. How can we make that promise? Because we ignore all your old stuff, and set up a system to design the future you desire.

2. Organizing in and of itself is of no value.It is merely a tool to help you accomplish something important to you. Ask yourself, “If I were organized, what would I be able to do that I cannot do now?” An inability to organize a particular aspect of one’s life often reflects a “should” mandated by someone else – not an inner desire to improve the quality of work or life, which is the only real reason for organizing anything! Always ask “Should I be organizing this at all?”

3. Clutter is postponed decisions.®Not being able to decide what to keep, where to keep it, how long to keep it, etc. causes paralysis when it comes to organization. The good news is that there are really very few options. You can get rid of something, you can store it so you can use it regularly, or you can store it so you can use it if you want to.

4. Implement The FAT System™.Papers pile up on your kitchen counter or a desk because you have not made a decision. The good news is there are really only three decisions you can make: File (in case you want it in the future, Act (the ball is in your court to pay the bill, write the report, or make a phone call), or Toss (decide it is not necessary).

5. Eighty percent of what you keep you never use.Ironically, often the more you keep the less you use. It is no mistake the simplicity movement is one of the fastest growing in the world! Continually practice The Art of Wastebasketry® by asking these questions:• Does this require action?• Can I identify a specific use?• Is it difficult to obtain again?• Is it recent enough to be useful?• Are there tax or legal implications?• What is the worst possible thing that would happen I did not have this? If you can live with your answers, toss or recycle!

6. Overresponsibility can become irresponsibility.One of the major reasons people keep things is because they “might be useful someday.” For example, many people have every pair of eyeglasses they ever ordered while someone 20 minutes away cannot afford even one pair. Do you have difficulty letting go of things – even if you do not use them? Finding someone else who needs them more than you do will make it easier.

7. Half of any job is having the right tool.For years I struggled with guilt about my inability to stick to an exercise program. The combination of spending 80% of the time on the road and negative childhood experiences about physical activities seemed insurmountable, until I discovered I could get amazing results using exercise equipment I could pack in my suitcase and use in the privacy of my bedroom.

8. Perfection prevents progress.A creative mind always has more ideas than the physical body can carry out. Virtually everyone I know, including myself, feels guilty about not being able to keep on top of the “to read” pile. Consider spending more time contemplating what you will do as a result of what you have read than feeling guilty about what you have not done.

9. Asking for help is a sign of wisdom, not weakness.Sadly, many people have been conditioned to feel that being successful means going it alone. Nothing could be farther from the truth. As president of The National Association of Professional Organizers, my theme, which I have subsequently turned into a theme for my life and my business, was “Together we are better™.” I believe that statement applies to all of life. The only thing keeping you from getting what you want is finding people who can – and want – to help you get there!

Getting organized is an on-going process, not a destination. It is about progress, not perfectionism. When you feel less organized than you would like to be, forgive yourself, and move on. Substitute “If only…” with “Next time…” and you are on the right road!