Principles for Becoming an Achiever in Life
No matter from what background, circumstances, orenvironment you may have come, it's always essential tostrive to better yourself. I have great respect for thosewho are born into horrible and demeaning situations in life.
And yet, in spite of their situations, they got up, got out,and became successes. Some of these individuals were born ondirt floors, having to wallow in poverty, surrounded bycrime, gangs, drugs, and worse.
I honor those who achieved success in spite of suchchallenges; especially, those who were abused by parents,guardians, caregivers, or people who are supposed to betrustworthy.
What enables people to transcend dismal situations? Ibelieve it's because they have come to know and recognizethe enemies of achievement.
First, they know that physical poverty hurts, but they alsorealize that poverty of the spirit is a greater problem thanjust being poor in money and in resources.
A spirit of cynicism and a sense of boredom are the greatestenemies of progress. They produce inaction, reluctance, andcause one to retreat.
To advance and develop, you must know you can; and then, youmust take action. Self-awareness, personal growth,education, and entrepreneurial "spunk" lead to success.
The person who transcends even the most bleak ofcircumstances is the one who believes that in a universe ofunlimited possibilities, there's always another opportunityto make things just a little better.
Second, achievers believe in themselves. Why should youbelieve in yourself? The achievement of anything begins withthe idea that it is possible to do and that you can do it.Belief is a powerful motivator.
Every year thousands of people go forth seeking to livetheir dreams. Many struggle but through persistent effortand belief in themselves, they become successful in creatinga stable and secure life for themselves.
Third, achievers have figured out that problems andchallenges come with the territory, and they are undauntedby them. Those who rise up and become successes in life viewchallenges merely as inconveniences and not as problems.
From their perspective, no challenge is permanent, and theyact as if obstacles don't even exist. They set goals andforge ahead. They go under, over, around, and through. Theyfocus on solutions.
They've also learned that it does no good to complain topeople who don't care and can't help you. So if you're goingto complain, find people who care. If you can't, be quietand move on!
Fourth, achievers never use lack of talent as an excuse fornot making an effort. At some point, many of us learn to beafraid and skeptical of our chances to accomplish what wewant. But at what point do we choose to quit or give up? Youmust be determined to persevere, endure, and overcome.
Fifth, achievers find joy. There is joy in livingmeaningfully, with a clear purpose and using creativeintelligence. That choice is up to each of us. Joy ishappiness that does not depend on circumstance. Find yourwellspring of joy and go to it every day.
Growth is what life is about. On the one hand it comesnaturally, on the other hand it comes by exerting someeffort. Achievers realize that all of the elements and toolsnecessary to grow and develop are available. Developing yourmind and body comes as the result of being curious, wantingto learn, and directing your energy.
Getting with others to set goals and work, makes it easierto encourage yourself, improve your condition, and stretch.Eventually, you will encounter people who often believe inyou more than you believe in yourself. It's by meetinglife's challenges together that we are strengthened, grow,and achieve our dreams.
And yet, in spite of their situations, they got up, got out,and became successes. Some of these individuals were born ondirt floors, having to wallow in poverty, surrounded bycrime, gangs, drugs, and worse.
I honor those who achieved success in spite of suchchallenges; especially, those who were abused by parents,guardians, caregivers, or people who are supposed to betrustworthy.
What enables people to transcend dismal situations? Ibelieve it's because they have come to know and recognizethe enemies of achievement.
First, they know that physical poverty hurts, but they alsorealize that poverty of the spirit is a greater problem thanjust being poor in money and in resources.
A spirit of cynicism and a sense of boredom are the greatestenemies of progress. They produce inaction, reluctance, andcause one to retreat.
To advance and develop, you must know you can; and then, youmust take action. Self-awareness, personal growth,education, and entrepreneurial "spunk" lead to success.
The person who transcends even the most bleak ofcircumstances is the one who believes that in a universe ofunlimited possibilities, there's always another opportunityto make things just a little better.
Second, achievers believe in themselves. Why should youbelieve in yourself? The achievement of anything begins withthe idea that it is possible to do and that you can do it.Belief is a powerful motivator.
Every year thousands of people go forth seeking to livetheir dreams. Many struggle but through persistent effortand belief in themselves, they become successful in creatinga stable and secure life for themselves.
Third, achievers have figured out that problems andchallenges come with the territory, and they are undauntedby them. Those who rise up and become successes in life viewchallenges merely as inconveniences and not as problems.
From their perspective, no challenge is permanent, and theyact as if obstacles don't even exist. They set goals andforge ahead. They go under, over, around, and through. Theyfocus on solutions.
They've also learned that it does no good to complain topeople who don't care and can't help you. So if you're goingto complain, find people who care. If you can't, be quietand move on!
Fourth, achievers never use lack of talent as an excuse fornot making an effort. At some point, many of us learn to beafraid and skeptical of our chances to accomplish what wewant. But at what point do we choose to quit or give up? Youmust be determined to persevere, endure, and overcome.
Fifth, achievers find joy. There is joy in livingmeaningfully, with a clear purpose and using creativeintelligence. That choice is up to each of us. Joy ishappiness that does not depend on circumstance. Find yourwellspring of joy and go to it every day.
Growth is what life is about. On the one hand it comesnaturally, on the other hand it comes by exerting someeffort. Achievers realize that all of the elements and toolsnecessary to grow and develop are available. Developing yourmind and body comes as the result of being curious, wantingto learn, and directing your energy.
Getting with others to set goals and work, makes it easierto encourage yourself, improve your condition, and stretch.Eventually, you will encounter people who often believe inyou more than you believe in yourself. It's by meetinglife's challenges together that we are strengthened, grow,and achieve our dreams.
Fantastic energy drink i had while reading,nice work John & approached it smoothly.Achiever always win thier RACE
Anonymous, At
December 29, 2006 at 12:32:00 AM PST
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